Contact us today for a strictly confidential consultation. +1 510-239-3604
“Companies have too many experts that block innovation. True innovation comes from perpendicular thinking.”
A good lawyer doesn’t tell you why a complex deal can’t happen, he tells you how it can happen, while it explaining the risks. A great lawyer makes it happen with little to no risk.
“If you’re trying to create a company, it’s like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.”
Organization and timing are paramount in creating and executing a successful business. The ability to anticipate and navigate issues as they arise is predicated upon a deep understanding of the law and the realities of a business environment.
“If you have one good idea, people will lend you twenty.”
Strategic partnerships are a fundamental necessity of any successful business, but not all partners or collaborations are created equally. From initial due diligence and vetting to enforcement of obligations, AB Law will advise you in structuring your business relationships to minimize risk and optimize rewards.